tadi qis msg,ajak teman die jumpe bf die n d fren(a guy)..ak dah la jarang kelua with guys diz pass 1 year...
ak mcm malas je..but coz i was bored..ok jelah..
while getting ready qis cakap kwn bf die tu single..n i was like..okeyyy~
sampai2 je kt pak guard..ade keta vios tunggu..qis said,thats d one..so,we hop in at d back..
qis introduced me to her bf(eriq) and his fren(husin).husin was driving us..xprasan muke die pun.coz he didnt really turn..so nak dijadikan crite..while we wer in d car..qis ade crisis wif one of her gf..ape lg..berdebat2 lah dlm keta...
coz im from penang island=ak lah jdi pilot of the day(pilot yg xdrive..hehehhe)..ape lg..bg direction je lah keja ak...while i was comforting qis..i said tu d driver = "okeh,turn left eh"..
did u guys know what he replied????...YELAH,TAK KAN KANAN KOT!!......
OMG!!!!i was like gonna smack his face...urggghhhhh!!!!
never have i met a guy who would say that to my face.... gerammmnyeeeee akuuuuuu!!!!!mmg la jalan tu one way..but i was dark n simpang 3..so ak pun bgtaw la jln...errggghhhhhh...geram siot...but i didnt say anything coz i didnt want to spoiled d nyte..dh la time introduced tdi pandang mcm xnk pandang...eeeeee......goshhh!!!!
luckly traffic was not that bad..fiungg..fiungg..fiungg...sampai lah kt Kapitan Gurney..
kiteorng duduk kt 4seated table...qis seatz sebelah hubby die,so i was beside d Mr.Gosh! Guy...i hated him at 1st..tpi it turns out to be..die xlah truk sgt..oklah..but more to quiet type,ingatkan laser type..hehhehehe...
then while we wer talking Mr Gosh! keluar kn benda yg ak xsuke..issshhh..ROKOK..so,i told him " i dont like smokers"..hehehhe padan muke...
die pegang je cigarette tu kt jari die...
then tibe2 Qis cakap :"awat husin pgg ja rokok tu"..ak pun bru prasan dh lama dia keluakn ,tpi xlight2 pn...
Me :"maybe sbb i ckp i xsuka org smoke kot,so he just wanted 2 respect me"...
Qis: "qis pun penah ckp cm tu,tpi husin smoke ja depan qis"..(dah kantoi...hehehhe)...tpi mcm laser sgt knn...
disebabkan malu kot..hehhe Mr Gosh! pun bagun smoke somewhere else..ehehhe..at the same time sampailah jugak our fudddd...nyummy..hehehehe..
mine was:Butter Chicken(boneless)sedapp ok..but my all time favorite is CHICKEN MILANI of chozzz...heheheheh ..MUST TRY!!tapi chic milani kt kapitan queensbay xsesedap yg kt gurney i hav to say..

well,d hate guys part, all started a year a go...
when azam (my ex bf )left me,for some reason which is still a mist..and so my world turns 360 degree..it all happen while i was in UITM shah alam..butttt,lucky for me i had frenz that really care & love me..SYAmin Abdul Majid,Ben,NIna(lina syamimi),aimi(yg knal kn i kt nadia effendy),& bdk2 clz..heee..funny la ble ingat blik..it was like d end of d world..padahal its just pieces of life..hurm thas y dlm ISLAM ckp kite xleh menyayangi manusia lebih dr Allah S.W.T..ni lah jdi nye..hehehhe...
so back to d story...while we wer chit chatting,tibe2 die ckp skit perut..so i insist him to go to d wash room kt dlm lobby..he went,but in few minutes he came back..dlm ati(aikk cepat nye..)..die ckp xjdi pegi..padahal dah half way jln...
then i asked: "y xnk g??"
He answered: "nanti tinggal u sorang2 bahaya"
Me : dlm hati(owhh so cweettt)..hehehehh..so..we all went back to d car...turun je from ferringgi,nampak McD..so i asked him to stop..pakse die g toilet..omg!!!die xnk jugak,boleh tak??hishhhh...rupe2 nye,die kna da towel bru leh do his duty..hehheheeh..so dh xleh wat pape lah..ikot je die..hop in 2 d car..sbb dah lewat sesangat..we all head down back to USM,nk send d gurlz balik la...
sampai je kt hostel..i went down n said thanks + guddy byee....
tibe2 die wat sign :-c ,nak number hp...dlm hati(ishhyy nak bg ke tak ehh,dh la i never give my number 2 org yg bru knl,especially a guy..)...after thinkng..:"mintak kat Qis"..ak pun naik lif...
sampai2 je kt bilik...i rest my body on d bed..it felt different diz time,i said 2 my self..coz diz past 1 year,ade rmai guyyz(xlah rmai sgt few je..hehehh)yg try 2 approach,but i didnt fell anything..but diz one : is definitely something..
tibe2 call masuk..mcm dh agak je sape call...cpt betull...hehehehhehe...
sooo...that is how i met Mohd Husni Che Ahmad..so called Mr Gosh a.k.a husin...
♥♥♥~D End Of A LOvely Evening~ ♥♥♥
♥♥♥~D OPening Of A New Chapter in My Parable Of Life~ ♥♥♥
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