Back 2 d story eh..sampai2 je kt Pudu..ak g KFC..lepak situ,few minutez after that Mr Gosh pun sampai with his kancil.he took my luggage msuk dlm keta..well,he was not alone,die dtg with eriq n qis..so i duduk kt depan with him beside me driving..hehehe from his face aku nampak die excited gile..ehheheh...
so,d 1st place yg we'r heading is Queenspark!(hehehe sehari sebelum g kl,dh ckp kt die ak nk gi & he offered 2 jdi my tourist guide)...n biase lah kl..~jam..ble jam lambat lah sampai n ble lambat sampai,byk time lah ak leh borak ngn die..ehheheh..well 2 b honest,i love talking with him.sbb eventhu bru kenal die but ble ckp ngn die ak rse mcm dh knl lame gle ngn die..or is it just me??hehhe..
after stuck in d traffic kiteorng pun sampai lah kt destinasi dtuju which is Queen's Park(pic on d left,kiteorng parking betul2 opposite d starbuck)..trun2 je..broommmmm!!!!ujan pun trun jugak..nsib baik ade roof dekat2 situ..msuk2 je espirit,apelagih..rambang mata lah ak...semua kdai nak msuk..mule2 msuk Espirit,mng,ck,&etc..well,yg best pasal Mr.Gosh ni ak tgk,xde lak die membebel ckp lambat lah ape lah..sampai sekarang pun his like dat..n thats 1 of d reason ak syg die..hehhe(oppzz tercerita advance lak..heheh)..after penat ber'shopink2..ape lg,bernyanyi2 lah perot..heheheh..so we decided 2 nyam2 dekat kdai mamak area2 situ.Mr Gosh: "across d road ja"..hah!!itu lah masalah nye..ak ni fobia sikit lintas jalan2 ni..ishh mcm mna nihh....time nak lintas tu ak dh cuak habis :( ..tulung2!!!! eh,tibe2 ak rse tangan ak ade orang pegang.tgk2 dh lintas jln dh (maybe die tgk lambat sgt ak nk lintas kot.hehe).mcm anak ayam pun ade jugak..heheheh..so thats d 1st time die pegang tangan ak..tpi lepas tu lepas la..heheheh...kiteorng pun duduk n ordarr lah..nyap3..
Kebetulan time ak g ni ade lak Malaysia International Fireworks Competition MIFC 2008.tpi on d 29th,dh Grand Finale dh..huhuhu..so malam tu Mr Gosh ajak lah g tgk fireworkz kt Putrajaya..ak pun ok lah ikot..mcm best kn.yelah slalu new year pun,fireworkz skit je..ni pertandingan,mesti lg banyakkn...hah,taw tak sampai je kt putrajaya,belom msuk parking lg dh jam...keta bersusun lah..isyyh tensen,out of everything there,i can only c carz oritee..haiyooo,manyakk stress oo..tapi nasib baik lah kete Mr Gosh kecik n die pun reti menyelit2..dpt lah parking..trun2 je dari kete,i was so amaze with all of d fireworkz..coz i ♥ colorful stuff..it was stunning..can u imagine,with black background..everything seemz 2 b clear & yea my ♥ drop for a second..cantik sgt..i cant wish more for a perfect & romantic date..(tpi time ni ak ckp kt Mr Gosh ; " its not a date ok?"heheh)..c,u dont have 2 go sumwhere very exclusive 2 get a romantic mood..(im telling myself actually,heheh)...actually,i wanted to upload pic of me, Mr Gosh & d fireworks,but i cant locate all those photoz..must b in 1 of my pendrive..so as an alternative, i grab thiz picz from http://azlan.anilezfa.com/fireworks-competition-putrajaya-part1..
shantekkk kannn..i so ♥♥♥ it..
tapi yang xbest nye.on that nyte cume ade d grand finale nye group je perform..so d fireworkz show was not that long..but still..it captured my ♥..me & Mr Gosh sempat snap few pic together but huh still cant locate those picz..sadizzz..but will try 2 find it later...
so after dh menjamah mata,we all pun head down 2 d car n nak g menjamah pelot lah pulak.....
fiung..fiungg...fiunggg....sampai lah kt kdai mamak PKS Maju kt Mines..so we settled down n ordered lah....few minutez after dat,our fudd pun sampai..while we were chi chatting,Mr Gosh ckp,"jangan makan udang tu,awak xbawak ubat,nanti flu"..hukhukhuk my favorite fudd = seafood,but d irony is im allergic 2 it..kalau nak mkn jugak kne lah ak telan Zertac..sbb sinus ak teruk jugak..but nak wat cne,i love seafood..ak pun makan lah jugak & continued chit chatting..then dah lame ckp2 bru ak prasan..eh asal Mr Gosh ni diam je..riak muke pun lain..
ak tanye lah die," Kenape awak diam je??"
Mr Gosh, "Tak de pape."
Aku,"If xde pape,nape diam?"ak memang xleh orng jawap xde pape..lagi2 klau mmg sah2 nampak kt muke die ade ape2.. ..ak tanye benda yg same few times die jwp xde pape gk..isyhh ape lagi hot temped lah jdi nye..(dulu aku hot temped skit)..arggghhhh...sebab kan tensen,ak suruh Mr Gosh anta ak balik time tu jugak..yelah kalau stay lg lame,lagi gadoh wat ape..kiteorng ber4 pun naik keta lah nak anta ak balik,,dalam kite aku tanye lagi..hisshhhhh.....!!!!!die xnak jawap jugak,,boleh x??tensen ak lg berlipat2 lah..aku memang jenis xsuke curiosity yg xterjawap..so just because of that,i was so pissed off..samapi je kat umah nina(my bff)..ak trun,say thanks n trus naik lif..(xnak tgk muke die lame2)....
dalam lif i was saying 2 myself, "was thiz 2 fast?"
"aku tunggu 1year untuk nak let a guy into my life again,and i turnz out 2 be crab shit"
"am i taking thiz 2 seriously?"ting!lif bukak..
ak pun ding dong bell umah nina,n she opened..
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Nina & Me |
Me,"huh!Nothing,"(nothing always means sumthing when i have that sour face on)...
after took my shower,ape lagi pillow talk lah with Nina..asked her,whether am i moving too fast?too
sensitive?i dont know,u tell me?huuuu..(i asked her,coz she was there when i was in shit hole after Azam left me,it was pretty bad)...and so she advices me 2 calm down n just relax,get 2 know him slowly..take my time,dont rush into thingz..yea,maybe she's rite.it was all so sudden.it was too quick that i got close with em'..
so,i took my cell phone n start to text Mr Gosh.. :
hi,it was nice getting to know u,going out with u.but after just now,i think we'r moving too fast.maybe we shud stop seeing each other for a while..thanks for everything...... ~to be continue~
~Not every fairy tales have a happy ending~
“Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so.”
David Grayson
David Grayson
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