Tuesday, September 21, 2010

D Way 2 Worry Less & Accomplish More..

  1.  Don't think of problems as difficulties. Think of them as opportunities for action. 
  2. After you've done your best to deal with a situation, avoid speculating about the outcome. Forget it and go onto the next thing.
  3. Keep busy. Keep the 24 hours of your day filled with these three ingredients: work, recreation, and sleep. Don't allow yourself time for abstract thinking.
  4. Don't concern yourself with things you can't do anything about. Armchair generals don't win battles, but they do have nervous breakdowns.
  5. For the time being anyway, eliminate daydreaming. Stop building air castles.
  6. Don't do something later if it can be done concurrently with an activity at present. Do it now, brother, do it now.
  7. Be organized in everything that you do.
  8. Get up as soon as you wake up. If you lie in bed, you may use up as much nervous energy living your day in advance as you would in actual accomplishment of the day's work.
  9. Try to arrange your schedule so that you will not have to hurry. Hurry, a blood brother to worry, helps shatter poise and self-confidence, and contributes to fear and anxiety.
  10. If a project seems too big, break it up into simple steps of action. Then negotiate those steps-link rungs in a ladder...one at a time. And don't allow yourself to think about the difficulties of step number two until you've executed step number one.

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